This one was an attempt at making a comic book type sculptural relief telling the story about a little girl getting wrapped up in the magic of playing with all these fireflies on the hill under the moon, only to be abducted into the castle by this firefly king and turned into one herself. I don't really think the flow on this one was very successful, it's kind of all over the place and a little confusing, so, eh.. lol. I'd like to do more like it though for sure. This one was about 3 ft wide and about a foot tall, made out found objects, sculpey, wood and plaster.

This one seems to be a crowd favorite.. Gertrude and Mortimer Ogilvy. The intention, or idea at first was to be just her, lamenting over her past lover. I had this whole set planned out, but there were things about it that didn't work. I like how he is slowly trailing by her anyways. And since, Mortimer has went ahead and taken his timely demise anyways.. he broken in half then fell out the chair :/ But these guys are about 4ft tall ( 6 +the umbrella) made out of sculpey, cast plastic, wood and found items.

Love this guy, hes about a foot tall and fully posable. His head hands and feet are cast plastic and the rest of his body is wood.

This was just something to work on during my time in Atl, I think I will be adding to him soon.. Hes about a foot tall, made out of sculpey, wood and found items with a wood and wire armature.

I have since changed Miguel's feathers on his under belly to a pink and light blue and much happier with him :) but I need to fix his head now.. it melted from being stored in a compartment over the summer. haha eh well.. maybe I can fix it.
Yay, Jason!