Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hey everybody

So its been an amazing past few weeks. Everything seems to be working out and falling into place. I am finally back home after a year long deployment in Atlanta. Living in a another city, away from things, was a great experience and something I think was something that needed to and was supposed to happen for various reasons. Lance, you made it awesome and and there's no way I would've lasted that long if it wasn't for you. Eric, I'm glad I met you too. You were certainly an experience. Now, I'm back in Memphis and things seem to be flying so fast, I can barely keep up. I released the chains of Pinnacle and the universe seemed to hand me The Gap. I have orientation today, on my birthday! :) The plan is, to paint, have shows and sell lots of stuff up until its time for University of Memphis in the fall. I know people say not to go to a grad school thats in the same city as your undergrad, but I'm done being all over the place and missing people close to me. I'm ready to settle a bit and get a great job in the arts, which I think its going to be teaching on a college level. So that's it guys, that's where I'm at. Bare with me, I'm trying to write in this thing more to let you guys my progress on my career and events related to it. Hopefully, this will stay primarily an art blog, a diary if you will.

Anyways, I want to read you guys something that just kind of flowed out of me when I was looking for inspiration one day.. I think its universal for everyone, so I hope you get something out of it. I did.

Jason, nothing has to be as big as you dream. It can all be right here. This small moment can be as vast and wondrous as you make it. Your life is special. You are special. You know you have gifts already in you, waiting to be opened. They are your wings. Remember Icarus. When you use them for yourself, you fall. They are tools for escape. You will grow and feel accomplished after you get to where you are going. That is when you will be happy. Maybe not during the voyage, because as you know, voyages aren't always so fun. It is an adventure. There are ups and downs, triumphs and disappointments, but mostly long periods of wait.. until you get there. YOU WILL GET THERE. TRUST in your wings, little Icarus. Believe in them. If you do not believe they are there, they won't be. You are one with them. They are you, and you are them. We are here, we are together, and we are one entity guiding you on this special journey. Predetermined visions are rocks to pull yourself towards and rocks tied to you from behind. Pull yourself to your dreams, without expectation of how it should be. You must be flexible and in complete trust. You can't see the entire road while driving at night, only what your headlights allow you to see. And yet, you keep going.

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